Times of transition feel a lot like waiting in limbo. Like life is on hold.
When you’re not quite where you used to be and not quite where you’re headed, it’s easy to feel untethered.
Not here, and not there.
Floating, falling.
Simultaneously trapped in the past, and stuck worrying about the future. But, rarely in the present.
I get it. I’m there too.
Letting go of the things that weigh me down, and purging the things that are no longer in alignment with who I want to be.
It’s exciting, and it’s a relief. It’s also scary, and disorienting.
As humans, we crave certainty. Our brains and bodies do everything in their power to maintain homeostasis.
And, when we challenge our own status quo, it gets uncomfortable. Even the best changes are often destabilizing.
It’s all part of the process.
So, what do you do when you’re stuck in between?
Stop resisting. Welcome the uncertainty. Trust the process.
As I continue to face massive uncertainty, I will anchor to the things that I can always be certain about –
The present moment, to start with. I’m here now, and the present moment is where I hold all of my power.
I will also find certainty in myself. I know who I am. I know what’s important to me. These are things I can hang onto, even when everything else feels out of control.
So, if you’re facing uncertainty too – make the bold choice to lean in.
Trust that you’ll be okay.
Find comfort in the present moment…and in yourself.
Don’t put your life on hold. You deserve peace and joy, even in the uncertainty.
Because, today is important too, and there’s so much to be learned in this transition.